Mastercard's NFT product lead leaves role, mints resignation letter as NFT

Former Head of NFT Products at Mastercard, Satvik Sethi, has stepped down and wrote his letter of resignation in the form of NFTs.

For the past two years, Sethi has served as Head of NFT at Mastercard. However, in his tweet, he noted that he left the company due to harassment, constant emotional stress, and other unacceptable working conditions.

He released his resignation letter as an NFT on the Manifold platform, stating: "100% of this money will go to survival. This is not money for gambling."

The cost of NFT is 0.023 ETH ($39). Sixteen NFTs have been issued to date, bringing in approximately $624 for Seth. He is currently working on joincircle, a web3-centric social platform he founded and leads as CEO.

Over the past two years, Mastercard has taken some significant steps in the crypto space. The company partnered with leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance to issue a cryptocurrency card in Argentina to convert crypto to fiat and launched tools to prevent financial crime related to cryptocurrencies.

Regarding Sethi's departure, a Mastercard spokesman told The Block: "We are aware of the concerns expressed by Mr. Sethi. We will take them seriously and they will be addressed shortly. We will do this while respecting his privacy at all times, and for now, we will not give further comments."